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There are a growing number of tools that are built atop or support Zod natively! If you've built a tool or library on top of Zod, tell me about it on Twitter or start a Discussion. I'll add it below and tweet it out.


API libraries

  • tRPC: Build end-to-end typesafe APIs without GraphQL.
  • @anatine/zod-nestjs: Helper methods for using Zod in a NestJS project.
  • zod-endpoints: Contract-first strictly typed endpoints with Zod. OpenAPI compatible.
  • domain-functions: Decouple your business logic from your framework using composable functions. With first-class type inference from end to end powered by Zod schemas.
  • @zodios/core: A typescript API client with runtime and compile time validation backed by axios and zod.
  • express-zod-api: Build Express-based APIs with I/O schema validation and custom middlewares.
  • tapiduck: End-to-end typesafe JSON APIs with Zod and Express; a bit like tRPC, but simpler.
  • koa-zod-router: Create typesafe routes in Koa with I/O validation using Zod.

Form integrations

  • conform: A progressive enhancement first form validation library for Remix and React Router
  • react-hook-form: A first-party Zod resolver for React Hook Form.
  • zod-validation-error: Generate user-friendly error messages from ZodErrors.
  • zod-formik-adapter: A community-maintained Formik adapter for Zod.
  • react-zorm: Standalone <form> generation and validation for React using Zod.
  • zodix: Zod utilities for FormData and URLSearchParams in Remix loaders and actions.
  • remix-params-helper: Simplify integration of Zod with standard URLSearchParams and FormData for Remix apps.
  • formik-validator-zod: Formik-compliant validator library that simplifies using Zod with Formik.
  • zod-i18n-map: Useful for translating Zod error messages.
  • @modular-forms/solid: Modular form library for SolidJS that supports Zod for validation.
  • houseform: A React form library that uses Zod for validation.
  • sveltekit-superforms: Supercharged form library for SvelteKit with Zod validation.
  • mobx-zod-form: Data-first form builder based on MobX & Zod.
  • @vee-validate/zod: Form library for Vue.js with Zod schema validation.

Zod to X

X to Zod


  • @anatine/zod-mock: Generate mock data from a Zod schema. Powered by faker.js.
  • zod-mocking: Generate mock data from your Zod schemas.
  • zod-fixture: Use your zod schemas to automate the generation of non-relevant test fixtures in a deterministic way.
  • zocker: Generate plausible mock-data from your schemas.
  • zodock Generate mock data based on Zod schemas.

Powered by Zod

  • freerstore: Firestore cost optimizer.
  • slonik: Node.js Postgres client with strong Zod integration.
  • soly: Create CLI applications with zod.
  • zod-xlsx: A xlsx based resource validator using Zod schemas.
  • znv: Type-safe environment parsing and validation for Node.js with Zod schemas.

Utilities for Zod

Released under the MIT License.