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There are a handful of other widely-used validation libraries, but all of them have certain design limitations that make for a non-ideal developer experience.


Doesn't support static type inference 😕


Yup is a full-featured library that was implemented first in vanilla JS, and later rewritten in TypeScript.

  • Supports casting and transforms
  • All object fields are optional by default
  • Missing promise schemas
  • Missing function schemas
  • Missing union & intersection schemas


io-ts is an excellent library by gcanti. The API of io-ts heavily inspired the design of Zod.

In our experience, io-ts prioritizes functional programming purity over developer experience in many cases. This is a valid and admirable design goal, but it makes io-ts particularly hard to integrate into an existing codebase with a more procedural or object-oriented bias. For instance, consider how to define an object with optional properties in io-ts:

import * as t from "io-ts";

const A = t.type({
  foo: t.string,

const B = t.partial({
  bar: t.number,

const C = t.intersection([A, B]);

type C = t.TypeOf<typeof C>;
// returns { foo: string; bar?: number | undefined }
import * as t from "io-ts";

const A = t.type({
  foo: t.string,

const B = t.partial({
  bar: t.number,

const C = t.intersection([A, B]);

type C = t.TypeOf<typeof C>;
// returns { foo: string; bar?: number | undefined }

You must define the required and optional props in separate object validators, pass the optionals through t.partial (which marks all properties as optional), then combine them with t.intersection .

Consider the equivalent in Zod:

const C = z.object({
  foo: z.string(),
  bar: z.number().optional(),

type C = z.infer<typeof C>;
// returns { foo: string; bar?: number | undefined }
const C = z.object({
  foo: z.string(),
  bar: z.number().optional(),

type C = z.infer<typeof C>;
// returns { foo: string; bar?: number | undefined }

This more declarative API makes schema definitions vastly more concise.

io-ts also requires the use of gcanti's functional programming library fp-ts to parse results and handle errors. This is another fantastic resource for developers looking to keep their codebase strictly functional. But depending on fp-ts necessarily comes with a lot of intellectual overhead; a developer has to be familiar with functional programming concepts and the fp-ts nomenclature to use the library.

  • Supports codecs with serialization & deserialization transforms
  • Supports branded types
  • Supports advanced functional programming, higher-kinded types, fp-ts compatibility
  • Missing object methods: (pick, omit, partial, deepPartial, merge, extend)
  • Missing nonempty arrays with proper typing ([T, ...T[]])
  • Missing promise schemas
  • Missing function schemas


Good type inference support.

  • Supports "pattern matching": computed properties that distribute over unions
  • Missing object methods: (deepPartial, merge)
  • Missing nonempty arrays with proper typing ([T, ...T[]])
  • Missing promise schemas
  • Missing error customization


Ow is focused on function input validation. It's a library that makes it easy to express complicated assert statements, but it doesn't let you parse untyped data. They support a much wider variety of types; Zod has a nearly one-to-one mapping with TypeScript's type system, whereas ow lets you validate several highly-specific types out of the box (e.g. int32Array , see full list in their README).

If you want to validate function inputs, use function schemas in Zod! It's a much simpler approach that lets you reuse a function type declaration without repeating yourself (namely, copy-pasting a bunch of ow assertions at the beginning of every function). Also Zod lets you validate your return types as well, so you can be sure there won't be any unexpected data passed downstream.

Released under the MIT License.