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Coercion for primitives

Zod now provides a more convenient way to coerce primitive values.

const schema = z.coerce.string();
schema.parse("tuna"); // => "tuna"
schema.parse(12); // => "12"
schema.parse(true); // => "true"
const schema = z.coerce.string();
schema.parse("tuna"); // => "tuna"
schema.parse(12); // => "12"
schema.parse(true); // => "true"

During the parsing step, the input is passed through the String() function, which is a JavaScript built-in for coercing data into strings. Note that the returned schema is a ZodString instance so you can use all string methods.


All primitive types support coercion.

z.coerce.string(); // String(input)
z.coerce.number(); // Number(input)
z.coerce.boolean(); // Boolean(input)
z.coerce.bigint(); // BigInt(input); // new Date(input)
z.coerce.string(); // String(input)
z.coerce.number(); // Number(input)
z.coerce.boolean(); // Boolean(input)
z.coerce.bigint(); // BigInt(input); // new Date(input)

Boolean coercion

Zod's boolean coercion is very simple! It passes the value into the Boolean(value) function, that's it. Any truthy value will resolve to true, any falsy value will resolve to false.

z.coerce.boolean().parse("tuna"); // => true
z.coerce.boolean().parse("true"); // => true
z.coerce.boolean().parse("false"); // => true
z.coerce.boolean().parse(1); // => true
z.coerce.boolean().parse([]); // => true

z.coerce.boolean().parse(0); // => false
z.coerce.boolean().parse(undefined); // => false
z.coerce.boolean().parse(null); // => false
z.coerce.boolean().parse("tuna"); // => true
z.coerce.boolean().parse("true"); // => true
z.coerce.boolean().parse("false"); // => true
z.coerce.boolean().parse(1); // => true
z.coerce.boolean().parse([]); // => true

z.coerce.boolean().parse(0); // => false
z.coerce.boolean().parse(undefined); // => false
z.coerce.boolean().parse(null); // => false

Released under the MIT License.